How to Restart AC Compressor in 4 Easy Steps

In this article, we’re going to provide a simple, step-by-step guide on how to restart AC compressor.

How to Restart AC Compressor
Image Source: Wallpaperflare

Signs That Your AC Compressor Needs a Restart

So how do you know when your compressor needs a restart? Maybe your AC is blowing warm air. Or, you hear strange noises every time it’s running. Or, you’ve just noticed a sudden spike in your electricity bills. All these signs can indicate that your compressor may need a restart. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. We’ll guide you through it.


Preparatory Steps Before Restarting the AC Compressor

Just like you wouldn’t jump into a pool without checking the water’s depth, you shouldn’t restart your AC compressor without some prep work. Safety first, folks!

Safety Measures to Take

First things first, you’ll want to turn off the power supply to your AC unit. Trust us, you don’t want to mess with electricity. Also, make sure the area around the unit is dry to prevent any electrical hazards. And, of course, wearing protective gear is never a bad idea.

Tools You Might Need

Sure, restarting an AC compressor isn’t exactly a walk in the park, but with the right tools, it’s doable. You’ll likely need a screwdriver, a multimeter to check electrical connections, and maybe a flashlight if the area isn’t well-lit. If these aren’t already in your DIY kit, it’s high time to stock up!


Step-by-Step Guide on How to Restart AC Compressor

Okay, the time has come. Buckle up, as we guide you through the process of how to restart AC compressor. Don’t worry, we’ll take it slow.

Step 1: Turn off the Power Supply

As we said earlier, safety is paramount. So your first move is to turn off the power supply to your AC unit. This can typically be done at the breaker box. Still with us? Great, let’s move on.

Step 2: Find the Compressor

Next, you’ll need to locate the compressor. It’s usually situated in the outdoor unit of your AC system. But remember, all AC units are not created equal, so you might need to refer to your unit’s manual if you’re having trouble finding it.

Step 3: Reset the Compressor

Now it’s time to reset the compressor. Look for the reset button on the unit. Not there? Don’t fret. Some compressors can be reset via the thermostat inside your home. This is where that manual we talked about can come in handy!

Step 4: Turn on the Power Supply

If all has gone well so far, you’re ready to reconnect the power. Head back to your breaker box and flip the switch for your AC unit. Fingers crossed, your compressor should now start back up.


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Common Issues While Restarting the AC Compressor and Their Solutions

Of course, not all AC compressors read the same script. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, things don’t go according to plan. But hey, that’s why we’re here!

AC Compressor Doesn’t Start

If your compressor doesn’t start after all your hard work, don’t panic. There could be several reasons, like a faulty capacitor or a tripped breaker. Try resetting the breaker or replacing the capacitor if you’re up for it.

AC Compressor Overheats

Maybe your compressor starts up but soon overheats. What now? Well, this could be due to a dirty condenser coil or a lack of refrigerant. Cleaning the coil or refilling the refrigerant could do the trick. But remember, working with refrigerants is no child’s play, and you might need professional help.


When to Call a Professional

We’re all about DIY here, but sometimes it’s better to call in the pros. If you’re not confident about restarting the compressor yourself or if you’ve tried everything and your AC still isn’t working, don’t be a hero. Call a professional HVAC technician. They have the training and experience to safely diagnose and fix your problem.

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