LG Air Conditioner Turns On and Off By Itself [Problems Solved]

If you find that your LG air conditioner turns on and off by itself, it is important to troubleshoot the unit and find a lasting solution.

LG air conditioner turns on and off

Do Air Conditioners Automatically Turn Off?

Air conditioners do not automatically turn off unless there is an internal problem. Some air conditioner brands, such as LG air conditioners, have timers you can set to turn off the units at specific times. However, if you did not set the timer on your LG air conditioner and it keeps turning off, it means one or more components are malfunctioning. The best step is to troubleshoot and replace any faulty parts.

LG Air Conditioner Turns Off By Itself – How to Fix

Check the following if your LG air conditioner turns off by itself:

1. Drain Line

If the drain is clogged with dirt and debris, the condensate from the air conditioner cannot flow out of the line. And if that happens, the drain pan will become filled with water and trigger the float switch to turn the unit off.

To fix this problem, remove the cap over the drain line and pour some distilled vinegar mixed with water into the line. Allow the mixture to clean the line for about thirty minutes before flushing the line with clean water. Ensure the water runs free and clear from the drain line before replacing the cap.

2. Refrigerant

If you notice a hissing noise from your air conditioner that was not initially there or the cooling capacity drops, there may be a loss of refrigerant. The same applies if there is water leakage inside the house or a sudden increase in the energy bills.

The best step to take is to contact LG Support and request service or hire a professional HVAC technician. They can check for leaks and repair them before recharging the system with refrigerant if necessary.

3. Airflow

When there is a reduction in airflow, the air conditioner tends to shut off by itself. Typically, there should be an intake of warm air from the room, which the refrigerant cools and the blower blows into the room to cool it. But when there is not enough air, the blower and compressor along with other components will work more than they should to produce cool air. The stress will eventually wear the components out and shut the unit down.

To check and fix the problem, check the air filter. A dusty filter is a primary cause of an airflow problem. Remove the filter from the LG air conditioner and thoroughly wash it. If there is a need for replacement, get the replacement part using the unit’s model number.

Another step to take to fix the problem is to check the air vents. Ensure they are fully open to take warm in and release cold air. While doing that, ensure there is nothing obstructing them; they can get dirty over time and prevent the free flow of air. 

You should also check the ductwork to see if it needs extra insulation or reconnection. In addition, the blower must be in good working condition to draw in air for cooling. Therefore, check the blower motor and wheel for dirt and obstructions. Replace the blower motor if necessary.

4. Thermostat

It is the job of the thermostat to notify the compressor and other components of the cooling system when to turn on or off. But over time, the thermostat can become faulty; the wires may come loose or it may just wear out. If you suspect the thermostat is not working or is triggering the air conditioner to turn off, replace it or have a technician check and fix it.

5. Air Conditioner

Your air conditioner may be short-cycling, meaning that it is turning on and off in quick succession. Two factors can cause short-cycling: one is that the unit may be too big for the room and two is that the thermostat is in the wrong place.

When the air conditioner is too big for a room or house, it will cool the space quickly enough and turn itself off, which is standard procedure. Ideally, you should buy an air conditioner with the size of your house in mind. That way, it stops turning off too frequently.

The location of the thermostat can also affect the air conditioner. If it is in the path of a heat source, such as direct sunlight, it will not function well. The same applies if the thermostat sits under the AC unit. You may not know the correct location to get the thermostat working properly, so get a technician to fix it where it will work optimally.

Important Note

Problems with the circuit breaker can cause an irregular flow of power to the air conditioner. Go to the dedicated breaker for the unit and turn it off. Turn it back on and check to see if the air conditioner is running. 

Next, wait to see if it turns off again; if it does, turn off other electrical devices. Run the unit and if it runs smoothly without turning off, it means the unit is connected to a breaker with other appliances. An air conditioning unit must have its own breaker with no other outlet connected to it.

Newer models may have an indicator on the power cord’s back that turns green when there is power. If the indicator is off, find the reset button and press it to fix the power issue.

If the air conditioner stops running even when it has power, the problem may stem from the wrong mode of operation. Select the Cool mode of operation and check the temperature setting. Next, use the temperature up and down buttons to adjust the temperature to a point lower than the current set temperature.

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LG Air Conditioner Turns On and Off By Itself – Quick Fix

Do the following to fix possible issues when your LG air conditioner turns on and off by itself:

1. Check the Timer

If your LG air conditioner has the label Energy Saver on it, it means it has a timer that automatically turns it off and on to save energy. Employ the services of an HVAC technician to check the timer and fix it if necessary. 

The unit must run long enough before the timer turns it off, and when the temperature rises to a certain point, the timer switches the unit on again. However, if the timer malfunctions, it may turn the unit off and on too frequently.

2. Check the Air Filter

Open the front grille or panel of the air conditioner and check the filter. If it is significantly dirty, remove and wash it or replace it if applicable. It is recommended that you check and clean the filter every two weeks unless it is an ionized filter or your area does not have dusty air.

The filter removes pollutants from the air in your home. Over time, it becomes dirty and needs a wash or replacement. Dirty filters restrict the flow of air and this can cause the air conditioner to turn on and off at short intervals.

3. Check the Thermostat

Consider employing the services of a qualified technician to check the thermostat. It may have an internal wiring problem or it may be in the wrong location. Relocating it to another part of the room or house may be the simple fix to the issue.

But if that does not work, you may have to replace the thermostat. Before that, ensure the batteries are working and if they are, check the internal wiring and replace the thermostat if necessary.

4. Check the Coils

Dirty condenser coils cannot efficiently release heat from the air conditioning unit. As a result, the compressor and other components will constantly shut down and may run after short intervals. Clean the coils if they are significantly dirty; use a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment or a garden hose. Ensure you dry them before turning the air conditioner on again.

While cleaning the coils, tread carefully around the fins because they easily bend or break. If they bend, you can always straighten them to keep the unit running. But if they break, you will have to replace the entire condensing unit.

5. Check the Compressor

Dirt, heat, and internal wiring problem can cause the compressor to shut down frequently. Turning the unit off and back on may restart the compressor, but it will turn off again unless you test the compressor. Find out if it is overheating and there is no dirt coating it. Let a technician check the compressor to determine the problem and fix it.

Other possible causes of an LG air conditioner turning on and off are incorrect AC sizes and low refrigerant. When the cooling capacity of an air conditioner is greater than the size of the house, it will cool the house too quickly and shut off. You may want to trade the bigger unit for a more appropriately-sized one.

Low refrigerant levels also cause the air conditioner to shut down. If there is a reduction in the unit’s cooling capacity or a spike in the electricity bills, it may be due to loss of refrigerant. The ideal way to fix this problem is to hire an HVAC technician to find possible leaks, repair them, and add more refrigerants. 

While waiting for the repairs, ensure there is cross-ventilation in your home. Refrigerant tends to be odorless so you may not know the leaked amount. However, inhaling it in large amounts will affect your health.

LG Air Conditioner Keeps Running When Turned Off – Solved

When the weather is too hot, your air conditioner can stop functioning smoothly. Setting the thermostat to a specific temperature will cause the unit to run until it reaches that temperature. Then, the unit switches off. However, the heat will quickly increase the temperature and turn the air conditioner back on. This cycle will constantly run and affect the unit.

A malfunctioning thermostat can also keep the air conditioner running non-stop. Replacing the thermostat if you suspect it is faulty may fix the problem. But before replacing the thermostat, check the limit control switch. It must be set to auto mode to allow the thermostat’s setting to be activated.

It helps to close windows and blinds before turning on your air conditioner, especially if the weather is hot. Not only will it help the unit to run smoothly, but it will help conserve energy. Also, keep heat sources away from the air conditioner; install the unit far from radiators and other heat sources.


If your LG air conditioner turns on and off by itself, it is crucial to troubleshoot possible causes and fix them. Fortunately, fixing such issues is usually easy and inexpensive as we have discussed in this article. Contact LG Support Center or use the services of a qualified HVAC technician.

Find out if the thermostat is faulty, the compressor is malfunctioning, the drain line is clogged, the refrigerant is low, or the condenser coil is significantly dirty. There may also be a filter or airflow problem, or the timer may be defective. These parts are easy to repair or replace, but ensure you purchase the correct replacement parts from LG or any other authorized dealer.

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