How to Check AC Compressor with Multimeter: Your Easy Guide

How to check AC compressor with multimeter? You might ask yourself this when your cool breezy haven turns into a scorching nightmare. In this article, we will walk you through the steps to use a multimeter to check your AC compressor. It’s easier than you might think!

How to Check AC Compressor with Multimeter
Image Source: Wikimedia Commons

Safely Using a Multimeter

Like any power tool, a multimeter is as safe as the person using it. It’s important to keep your wits about you when dealing with electricity. Always ensure you’ve turned off and disconnected the power source before you start tinkering. Additionally, make sure you’ve set your multimeter to the right measurement type – you don’t want to be looking for inches in a mile, right?

Preparations Before Testing the AC Compressor

Tools Needed

Get your toolbox ready. To check your AC compressor with a multimeter, you’ll obviously need a multimeter (bet you didn’t see that coming!). You’ll also need some insulated gloves, safety glasses, a screwdriver, and a little bit of courage.

Disconnecting the AC Compressor

First things first: safety. Before you begin the test, make sure the AC system is switched off and unplugged. Remember, you’re dealing with electricity here, so better safe than sorry!

Accessing the AC Compressor Terminals

Now we’re getting down to business. You’ll need to expose the terminals of the AC compressor. It’s a bit like undressing a robot, removing covers and panels until you reveal the naked truth underneath.

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Testing the AC Compressor Using a Multimeter

Setting Up the Multimeter

Okay, now your multimeter is ready to shine! You’ll need to set it to the ohmmeter setting to measure resistance. If your multimeter was a superhero, this would be its superpower.

Conducting the Resistance Test

The resistance test is like the heartbeat of the AC compressor. By checking

the resistance across the terminals, you’re checking if the AC compressor has healthy ‘circulation’. Place the multimeter leads on the terminals and note the readings. The actual values will depend on your AC model – so you might need to refer to the manufacturer’s specs. Your multimeter will show ‘OL’ (overload) if the compressor’s ‘pulse’ is too weak.

Performing the Continuity Test

The continuity test is the equivalent of checking the AC compressor’s ‘breathing’. Set your multimeter to the continuity setting. Then, connect the multimeter leads to the compressor terminals. If the multimeter beeps, your compressor is ‘breathing’ fine. But if it’s silent, well, you may have a problem on your hands.

Understanding the Results

Indications of a Healthy AC Compressor

A healthy AC compressor will show resistance and continuity in the multimeter readings, kind of like showing a strong ‘pulse’ and ‘breath’. If your readings are in line with the manufacturer’s specs, congratulations! Your AC compressor is in top shape.

Signs of a Faulty AC Compressor

If your multimeter showed an overload or no beep during the tests, it’s a sign of a faulty compressor. It’s like getting bad news from a doctor, except instead of medication, you might need a repair or replacement.

Next Steps After Diagnosis

If the AC Compressor is Functioning Properly

If your AC compressor passed the tests with flying colors, great! You can put your tools away and enjoy the cool breeze. Just remember to check on it from time to time, like a regular health checkup.

If the AC Compressor is Faulty

If the tests revealed a problem, don’t despair. A faulty compressor doesn’t always mean a complete replacement. Sometimes, a good repair can bring it back to life. Contact a professional to assess the damage and recommend the best course of action.

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